
Meet angie, the app creator!

I am Angie and have been in HR for 25+ years. Unlike most cartoon depictions of Human Resources, throughout my career I have served as a resource for people to talk about their job and career choices. Year after year, the same question pops up — should I stay at my current job, or take a new one? That is were defining your values-based job criteria comes in.

I know that no matter how unhappy someone is at their current job, changing jobs is stressful. Most people turn their job search control over to the employer and strive to meet the employer’s criteria. What about the job seeker requirements? We can do better! With Employfully, we even the playing field. Employers and prospective employees have criteria to explore and align. The result? Employers who have employees that chose them due to matched values and criteria. Imagine a work world like that?!

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